Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas on the Frontline

In 1914, five months into the Great War, for a few short hours the guns stopped firing on either side. This small act became known as the Christmas Truce.

On Christmas Eve, both lines sang Christmas carols from the trenches and on Christmas Day, the German troops appeared from the trenches saying Merry Christmas in their native tongues.

At first the Allies feared an attack, but seeing their foe unarmed they joined them in no-mans land. The men exchanged presents of cigarettes and plum pudding. There was even a friendly game of soccer (or football) played between both sides.

The so-called Christmas truce only happened in 1914 and this event was the last show of chivalry between enemies; a ceasefire during war was never replicated. Here we are 100 years later, and history would show that the Great War was not the war to end all wars. But on this single day I hope that all can reflect on the true meaning of this holiday: peace, love, and goodwill. May everyone regardless of religion have a truly wonderful day.

About a month ago this ad was circulating. It really depicts what occurred and speaks to what happened a hundred years ago. If you haven't had a chance to watch, it's a nice gesture today.

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